Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Thoughtful Tuesday


I love you
You inspire me to be
So much more
Than I ever imagined
You bring out everything
In me that makes me great

I hate you
What have you done
Why do you despise me so
You bring me down
Cut me up into pieces
Now it's too late

I'm sorry
I shouldn't have said that
Forgive me
Don't leave
Everything I am
Is what you've made

Balance is key
To our existence
We are nothing apart
Empty shells of what
Could be, equals
Perfect mates.

This poem was inspired by weeks of ups and downs with my revisions. My MS and I have struggled with one another back and forth, good and bad, for a while. This poem has probably been a long time coming. :p

Happy Tuesday :)


DL Hammons said...

Perfect! It really captures the love/hate relationship we all feel at one point or another! :)

Precy Larkins said...

Love the poem! Totally captures how I feel about writing sometimes. :)

Good luck with your WIP! May you win the battle. :D

nutschell said...

wonderful! Definitely feel that way sometimes:)

Tracy said...

Kela, good for you for giving your feelings a voice~ thinking of you...

Mina Lobo said...

I know this pain. Very well put, Kela. :-)

Some Dark Romantic

Kela McClelland said...

Thanks everyone for coming by and I'm glad the poem was enjoyed :D

Hope everyone is having a great week!