I've been away from my blog for soooo long. I hate it, but I can't think of a revival. I want to blog, yet my mind is blank when I try to think of what to blog about. Maybe I'll just have to start random blogging as I think of stuff and work my way back into a groove of some sort.
I really want to do the A-Z challenge again this year, but I have no clue what to blog about anymore so Idk...
Group crits are caught up, but still catching up on my one on ones. And I haven't written anything in weeks, but I'm working on getting back to it. Oh, and I haven't read anything in a long time either.
I think I'll spend what's left of March trying to finish getting my crap together and hopefully come April I'll have it all worked out.
Just wanted to say hey to my followers and let everyone know I'm still around, just working on it. Hope everyone has a great weekend and I'll see you very soon. :)