Especially this one....
Sophie Perinot is a Historical Fiction author. She can be found on Agent Query Connect under the name LitGal and on Twitter @Lit_Gal. She is also a contributor on From The Write Angle, a site you should check out if you haven't yet. Today is the day her debut novel hits the shelves...
The Sister Queens
"Like most sisters, Marguerite and Eleanor were rivals. They were also queens."
Although I am not a historical fiction type of gal, I can't wait to read this book. The blurb had me interested from the first time I read it and I've been looking forward to the release ever since. I added The Sister Queens to my TBR and I recommend you to as well. Even those of you who are not Historical Fiction fans, I would give this one a shot, I believe it would change your mind.
Please go here for more information about The Sister Queens and links to where you can purchase it.
I like historical fiction. Thanks for bringing this to my attention.
M.Pax- YAY! You're very welcome. I've heard tons of good things about it. Hope you like it :)
Thank for the recommendation! This sounds like a fun historical read.
Shallee- You're welcome :)
I'm so excited for Lit! She's such a dedicated writer, it's awesome to see her book out today!!! :) It's on my list!
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